Initial Brief:
To make a product targeted at older age group's well-being which fits in the ecosystem of DucereTech.
Understanding Ducere product range:
Ducere is focused on redefining the wearable ecosystem and developing disruptive technologies, particularly in equine performance tracking and optimization.
The products of Ducere have one thing in common: technical and technological explorations.
Characteristics of elderly individuals:
According to the study in [1], older adults faced difficulties with "activities related to self-care, domestic life and mobility", indicating extended periods of sedentary behaviour.
The study in [1] suggests a preference for independent living among the elderly. The percentage of participants living alone in their own homes ranged from 16-87.5% and from 20-78% in grey literature resources.
Participants in several studies expressed fears and worries of losing independence and being a burden on others, with feelings such as depression, loss of pride and emotional pain used by some participants to describe their physical losses.
The same study also showed that, in spite of the difficulties associated with performing domestic and self-care tasks, some participants continued to do them to maintain a sense of independence and identity and to feel a sense of purpose. Providing care to others, for instance, was an activity that gave some participants a sense of purpose despite being challenging.
We translated these attributes into a captivating and user-centric game.
'Peepli' is a robotic plant equipped with a mobile + Smart watch application interface. Through Peepli, users are assigned the responsibility of tending to the plant, consequently fostering their own well-being.
Mock up
Movement trial using servo motors
Product feedback screen
Our team, comprising a Product Designer, a Graphic Designer, a Product Developer, and an Electronic Engineer, collaborated to develop the initial prototype. This prototype integrated three distinct types of movements, accomplished through meticulously chosen materials, motors, and structural design.
Mobile App interface
Onboarding screens
Input screens for mobile devices
A key observation made during the development phase emphasized the necessity of implementing a more straightforward interface tailored to the elderly demographic.
To address this concern, we opted to prioritize the smartwatch interface.
The advantages of utilizing a smartwatch include,
its constant proximity to the user
facilitating easier tracking of movement data
favourable haptic feedback
a smaller screen featuring minimal input fields, wider buttons, and higher contrast to enhance user-friendliness.
Interaction via Smart watch
Feedback and Iteration Strategy for Product Development:
As the project was conducted within a 5-day sprint, primary research data was not available. However, during the internal testing phase of the application, general feedback suggested that the product leaned too heavily on technology and screen interaction, potentially posing complexity issues for the elderly demographic. An alternative proposal was to market the product towards a younger user base or to develop a standalone robotic plant with voice assistance, with subsequent testing to be conducted within the targeted user group.
[1] Abdi, S., Spann, A., Borilovic, J. et al. Understanding the care and support needs of older people: a scoping review and categorisation using the WHO international classification of functioning, disability and health framework (ICF). BMC Geriatr 19, 195 (2019).