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Game of intents

Outcome of Systems Design project at NID-A

(1 week)


As an extension of the Systems Design project, we re-looked at creativity as an attitude in organisations. This card game is one such toolkit. 
A fellow team-mate came up with the idea to utilize simple rules of modal verbs from English grammar to bring forth the intentions of the user. We brainstormed around this very idea and created visual cards, game rules and techniques and that is how The Game of Intent was born.

The card game acts as an effective tool when played among team members by giving each member the opportunity to express themselves. The game is based on honest self-introspection that helps in team building, addressing complex emotions around work-life balance and professional motivations.

product photo of cards game of intent


The activity brings the opportunity to decode group dynamics in order to achieve a larger goal that is fueled by each member’s creative potential. 

product photo of cards game of intent


This project was done within a week at National Institute of Design along with Dhyani ParekhSiddhi Patil and Amrutaa Supate.

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